Support > WAR Software Support

Error: Could not find the main class com/bprog/GUIECUApp

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Hi, I have this error and I cannot access to the WAR on my E30 M3, someone knows how to solve it??

Download and install java.

It is required and is also free.

I got the same error message.

After the update of JAVA to version 7 update 17 the error message is gone... but nothing else happens. No windows opens, absolutly nothing...
An update to JAVA 8 is not possible, there is a newer windows version required than XP.

Update: Java 7 update 71, the latest version installed. Still no reaction. There is no possibility to start "war chip". Even in the task manager no reaction.

8.12.14 Update: Still not working with XP. But: tried Java 7 update 71 on a Windows 7 pc. The chip is not really recognized, but downloading  2.2.3 at least starts and makes a stop around 90%, but it does not finish.
"MillerWarChip" starts and opens the downloaded 4 files, some Inputs are possible, even the upload to the chip is starting, but does not finish. Surprising, that the System works in some parts on a Windows 7 PC.

=> the problem has something to do with the Java System on the XP PC.

Update 24.Jan 2015:
Used a complete different Computer. P4 Laptop with brandnew harddisk. Installed complete new a Windows XP SP2 System (German). Installed Java Version 7 Update 76 (Build 1.7.0_76-b13)

Chip is recognized, installs MillerWarchip.exe and the 4 files for my ecu and finishes like it should. Up to here it looks good.

Starting MillerWarchip.exe DOES still not work. In the Task Manager is for one second Millerwarchip, then it disappears. Nothing else happens.

WHAT MORE CAN I DO??? New Computer, NEW installed XP, Internet working, the latest JAVA... WHAT ELSE????

Might have to do with German language version. Please confirm you have these directories:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\wc

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\mpc\Miller War Chip

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\ecu


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