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Messages - need4speed1299

Pages: [1]
I have almost the same issue currently. I had a laptop and was able to read/write. I installed the software on my new computer (xp, new java). It no longer wants to work, on either computers. I also checked the wiring, popped the ecu open and everything. I also tried reloading the software. My xp is a fresh install, only have war chip software, java, and google chrome.

WAR Hardware Support / Chip not ready. Please wait for chip
« on: April 03, 2016, 01:48:24 PM »
I plugged in my war chip and it did not install. So I downloaded the wizard and installed. However, I cannot read or write. It says, "Chip not ready. Please wait for chip"

It seems like my computer doesn't recognize the chip. I have a fresh xp install. What can I do? Thanks.

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