Timing is displayed in real world values. If timing is 22° and you type 23, you now have 23° There is math involved in displaying timing in a real world value. Because of that, and how the timing sequence is measured/monitored by the ECU sometimes you can't hit an exact number.
Example, on the M3.3.1 ECU (413/506) Timing is adjustable every 0.75° so if you are sitting at 22.50 and type 23, it will bump up to 23.25° Or if you hit the purple control buttons in the top right of the software, it will advance said cell by 0.75°
As far as fuel goes, we don't display it in a real world number. It is displayed as the raw unfiltered number. One of the reasons is there are a few different ways you can display it in a real world number, but for 99% of people, that will only lead to MORE confusion believe it or not. The 10 values per 1 full Air Fuel ratio is something for fuel only. It skews a little bit when you start playing with injector sizes etc, BUT generally, each bump in the fuel numbers is equal to 0.1 air fuel.