my car is and has been built fairly well, and does run, by someone, at sometime was great i guess, but i don't have any clue on who they were, or what they did...all i have is the car, and im trying to reverse engineer what they did.
afaik, they had a similar device like the war chip (if not an earlier version) and kept it when they sold the car.
the car came with evidence of a 3" tb, and a different intake, as it wouldn't even idle, and they just left a stock intake MAF just hanging in the engine bay...clearly there was another setup prior to my getting it...but anyways.
...onto the reason for the post.
reading page 9 in
the directions, i found my car already has a few alterations to its wiring harness...
there are a few wires already cut, and a few "Tees" into the red wire...
the cut wires are not too much of an issue b/c the car has a lot deleted (A/C, PS, cc, ww, etc...and its also a 84 323i euro with a motronic harness (that works), im not surprised its hacked a bit.
a few quesitons...about the "T" i will be making.
what does this tee wire connection do ?
should i re-wire up (or get a new) wire harness for this ?
can i test out the psik + war chip by simply leaving the harness ? (after learning what wire is necessary. and routing them)
note: i think i need a new harness (which i am willing to do if necessary) but wonder, if anyone has any further input before i rip it all out and start from scratch.
here is how it was when i bought it (notice about 3-5 wires sticking out of the taped up loom a few inches from the ECU they look freshly cut.
btw...clicking on a pic should open it in another tab and be able to be much larger as you click it there as well.

here is the wires im dealing with from my own harness

and yes,